June is National Safety Month, sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC). Each week explores a new safety topic–giving facts, advice, and recommendations on how to maximize your workplace safety. Week 1 encompasses June 1 - 11 and discusses the Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). 

Musculoskeletal Disorders, also known as ergonomic injuries, are defined as complex ailments resulting from exposures to repetitive movements, awkward or static postures and forceful exertions. These injuries are pervasive meaning they have a tendency to be found in an individual in multiple instances. Common musculoskeletal injuries can include rotator cuff tears, back strains, or carpal tunnel syndrome. These injuries are the most common cause of disability and subsequently early retirement among workers. Musculoskeletal Disorders are a leading cause of workplace injury, and they cost billions of dollars each year in both workers’ compensation and lost productivity. This is why it is so important to get an understanding of these injuries in order to recognize any risk factors in your work environment. Identifying potential risks will help prevent potential injuries for yourself and others in your workplace. 

In 2020, there were 247,620 Musculoskeletal Disorder injuries or illnesses that required days away from work. In general, injuries of this extent typically mean a loss of about 14 workdays per injury. Statistics by the NSC show that about 47% of these injuries were found in workers’ Trunks–primarily their backs. Overexertion involving outside sources was found to be the cause of 70% of these injuries and illnesses. The top 4 industries affected by Musculoskeletal Disorders include trade, transportation and utilities, education and health services, and manufacturing. 

To learn more about Musculoskeletal Disorders over National Safety Month, please visit: https://www.nsc.org/workplace/national-safety-month/nsm-public-materials?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=COM%20828212&utm_content=


DII is your partner in workplace safety. Our team of experts can work with you to understand how to teach your employees best safety practices in your workplace environment. Please contact your DII representative for more information.  #NationalSafety #MSD

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