Homes warning and alert systems make many different sounds in your home. Knowing the distinct sounds of each alarm will help keep your family safe in a life or death emergency.

Smoke alarms –

  • These typically send out three loud beeps. If you hear this from your alarm, exit your home immediately and call 9-1-1
  • If the alarm simply chirps every 30-60 seconds, it’s time to replace the batteries.
  • Continued chirping with new batteries means your detector needs to be replaced. Generally alarms need to be replaced every 10 years.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms –

  • When triggered, they will emit four loud beeps. This means carbon monoxide is present in your home and you must exit the building immediately and call 9-1-1.
  • Chirps every 30-60 seconds indicate the batteries need to be changed. Alarms will need to be replaced periodically.

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If you don’t know how old the alarms are in your home, it is recommended that you replace the units in order to be sure your device is functioning.

DII is your partner in risk management for your family and your property. If you have any questions about fire safety or home evacuation plans, please contact your DII representative.

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