This October, the National Crime Prevention Council is hosting National Crime Prevention Month to bring awareness to today’s most common crimes and how to make the 21st century a bit safer. The goal of this movement is to spur conversation and promote safer communities both online and off because public safety is everyone’s business. While crime and safety are a huge topic, this month dedicates specific awareness to select topics that are currently at the forefront of modern crime. Some of these topics include: Home Safety, Fighting Fentanyl, and Counterfeit Awareness. 

Many people are concerned about the threat of rising crime in their communities. Fortunately, there are ways to help protect your home and neighborhood from some of these crimes. Simple steps can be taken like locking doors or larger measures can be organized like starting a neighborhood watch program. Safety at home is a group effort that starts with everyone in your household and is most effective when it expands to your neighbors and community. Some tips include: installing an alarm system, keeping spare keys with a trusted neighbor not under a doormat, planter, or in the mailbox, setting timers on lights when you’re away from home or your business is closed so they appear to be occupied, and illuminate places an intruder could hide like spaces between trees and shrubs, stairwells, alleys, and entryways. Preventing crime starts small and requires everyone to work together. 

In terms of counterfeit awareness, we often think of counterfeit as fake money. However, criminals are making all sorts of fake products that can have a large negative impact on both our financial wealth and physical health. Fake products that are not made under specific safety standards and regulations can catch fire or cause skin rashes depending on their purpose and use. Additionally, buying fake products can help organized criminals fund other illegal activities and spread their negative impacts throughout communities. For example, fake technology products cause more than 70 deaths and 350,000 serious injuries every year.

To learn how to train your community against crime and implement some of these safety systems, the National Crime Prevention Council has put together many resources for training neighbors for a neighborhood watch, tips for working from home, tips for travel, how to best lock up your home, various security checklists, and articles about criminal tendencies and how to not be an easy target. To find these resources and others, visit:

DII is your partner in crime safety. Our team of experts can work with you to understand how to prepare your homes and communities against popular crime. Please contact your DII representative for more information.  #CrimeSafety #NationalCrimePreventionMonth

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