Join the American Burn Association (ABA) in promoting National Burn Awareness Week. This week in February is dedicated to preventing scald injuries and spreading awareness for “Hot liquids that burn like fire.” ABA’s main goal of this week is to provide organizations with the tools and training to talk about, address, and prevent burns, fires, and other life safety concerns both in the office and at home. Below are some reminders from ABA about common situations that could lead to accidental burn injury and how to prevent them:

  • Run your hand through the water before bathing a child to ensure there are no hot spots that could cause injury.
  • Don’t hold a child or animal while drinking hot liquids or carrying hot foods to avoid a dangerous balancing act or spill and accidental burning.
  • Don’t hold a child while cooking, especially near burners or hot surfaces, to avoid a scald injury and keep your child safe.
  • Establish a “kid-free zone” of at least 3 feet around the stove and areas where hot food or drink is prepared or carried.
  • Microwaved food and dishes can be hot enough to cause a burn. Always open lids away from your body and handle with care.
  • Always wear oven mitts when taking food out of the oven to prevent scald injury.
  • Use a tight-fitting lid with travel mugs to prevent a burn if the cup tips over. 
  • Plug major appliances directly into a wall outlet. Don’t use extension cords or power strips. Only one heat-producing appliance should be plugged into an outlet.
  • Batteries can short circuit when in a pocket with coins, keys, and other metal objects and can cause burns.
  • Check cords before use for cracks or frayed wires. 

To learn more about how to protect yourself and others from scalds and burns or to improve your safety plan, reach out to Diversified Insurance Industries, Inc. for more information or visit:

DII is your partner in burn and fire safety. Our team of experts can work with you to understand the best plan of action for your workplace in the office and at home to maintain safety in 2023. Please contact your DII representative for more information. #ABA #Burns #Scalds

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