Construction workers face significant risks related to hazardous noise exposure, making hearing protection crucial on worksites. Despite this, many workers overlook the necessity of hearing protection, thinking they have grown accustomed to the noise and will later find themselves with premature hearing loss. In an effort to prevent on-the-job hearing loss, all October companies are promoting “National Protect Your Hearing Month.” 

Workers in the construction industry are at highest risk of premature hearing loss. Construction sites inherently contain numerous noise hazards, making it challenging for managers to determine the appropriate level of hearing protection needed for various tasks and tools.

Effective hearing protection requires proper training and preparation. Managers should encourage workers to assess noise risks and identify equipment causing noise exposure. Noise levels above 85 decibels (dB) pose a risk, with common construction tools like bulldozers (100 dB) and chainsaws (110 dB) causing potential harm. Impact noise, such as hammering (120 dB), can also lead to hearing damage.

The proper fit of hearing protection devices (HPDs) is crucial for effectiveness. Even a small gap can negate protection entirely. Ear-plug fit testing systems provide real-world metrics, ensuring employees receive optimal protection in their specific noise environments. Additionally, managers should consider HPD compatibility with other personal protective equipment (PPE) like safety eyewear, headwear, clothing, and gloves.

While blocking 100% of sound is unsafe due to increased risks, selecting the right HPD is vital. Proper hearing protection not only prevents immediate damage but also promotes long-term worker health, productivity, and safety. The industrial hearing protection market is growing, introducing innovative technologies such as remote noise monitoring, and connected earmuffs, enhancing worker safety and overall work environment. Managers' investment in comprehensive hearing protection measures demonstrates a commitment to workers' well-being, ensuring their health, longevity, and productivity on construction sites. To learn more about protecting the hearing of your workers, reach out to an agent at Diversified, or visit:

DII is your partner in worksite safety and health. Our team of experts can work with you to understand the best ways to protect your employees’ hearing and health at work. Please contact your DII representative for more information. #October #Hearing #Construction

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