Struck-by incidents are one of the leading causes of death and nonfatal injuries in the construction industry. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to enforce preventative measures to not only save lives but also minimize costs and protect workers and their families. To raise awareness and promote preventive behaviors against struck-by incidents, join us in participating in NORA Construction Sector Council’s 4th annual National Stand-Down to Prevent Struck-by Incidents, which will take place from April 17-21, 2023, in coordination with National Work Zone Awareness Week.

This voluntary event encourages employers to talk directly to employees about safety and take a break to focus on "Struck-by Hazards." By reinforcing the importance of training and prevention, employers can help reduce the incidence of preventable accidents. The Kick-Off Webinar for the Stand-Down will happen on Monday, April 17th. 

Struck-by incidents are costly for the industry and take a significant human and financial toll on affected workers and their families. From 2011 to 2019, struck-by incidents made up roughly 17% of construction fatalities and 22% of nonfatal injuries. In 2019 alone, struck-by incidents resulted in 170 deaths and approximately 16,600 nonfatal injuries.

According to the data, working around heavy equipment or vehicles (35.6%) and falling/flying objects from heights (29.8%) or on the same level (18.8%) were the primary causes of struck-by injuries. Employers can take several measures to protect workers from struck-by hazards, including training workers, limiting access to the work area, and using personal protective equipment.

By participating in the National Stand-Down to Prevent Struck-by Incidents, you can show your employees that you care about their safety and well-being. We encourage you to take this opportunity to raise awareness about struck-by hazards and reinforce the importance of safety in the workplace. Let’s work together to promote a culture of safety in the workplace. To learn more about Struck-by Incidents or how to protect your employees and yourself, visit:

DII is your partner in workplace safety. Our team of experts can work with you to understand how to update your policies to keep your employees safe and reduce your liability. Please contact your DII representative for more information. #Stuck-byIncidents #AwarenessWeek

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