June is National Safety Month, sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC). Each week explores a new safety topic–giving facts, advice, and recommendations on how to maximize your workplace safety. Week 4 encompasses June 26 - 30 and discusses slips, trips, and falls.
Falls are a real safety threat that can happen anywhere. Whether you’re working from dangerous heights, or you trip on the same level, a fall can cause severe damages. This is why it’s imperative to always keep your eyes out for potential hazards no matter where you are. Data shows that falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death in the workplace, therefore understanding the facts can help prevent some of these needless injuries.
In 2020, there were 49,250 falls to a lower level and 127,680 falls to the same level that involved days away from work. The falls to a lower level were more severe including fractures, sprains, strains, tears, soreness, and pain. For both falls to a lower level and to the same level, workers were primarily affected in their lower extremities, notably the knee. The age range most affected by falls to a lower level were those 45-54 years old, while those between the ages of 55-64 were the most affected by falls to the same level. Knowing these facts and others can help employers prepare to protect the more at-risk groups.
To learn more about workplace falls and the best practices to minimize them, please visit: https://www.nsc.org/getmedia/e325e825-c110-48d3-b8db-727638928fbd/nsm-slips-trips-and-falls-fact-sheet-fnl2.pdf.
DII is your partner in workplace safety. Our team of experts can work with you to understand how to teach your employees best safety practices in your workplace environment. Please contact your DII representative for more information. #NationalSafety #WorkplaceFalls
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