As we face more and more inclement weather this January, the best thing a company can do is have an inclement weather policy outlined for its employees. Inclement weather is defined as any severe or harsh weather condition that makes it unsafe or impractical to travel, commute, or work outdoors. Every area and business face weather-related threats and challenges so it is important to curate a plan specific to your needs to help guide your business when this weather comes. 

When creating an inclement weather policy, it should typically focus on two things: worker safety and employee pay and benefits. The most important thing is to make sure your employees arrive to work safely, so creating this policy will help put some necessary structure so employees know your expectations when a storm approaches. Some items to consider include: knowing how far in advance the company notifies employees of closings due to weather, how employees will be notified of weather-related schedule changes, and if employees are paid when business is closed, or hours are changed.

If travel conditions are determined to be dangerous, consider remote working options for your employees to keep business operating. Non-exempt workers should keep track of their remote hours and make sure overtime pay is pre-approved. Furthermore, you need to consider weather-related emergencies for at-home workers such as power outages and evacuations. 

In terms of pay and benefits, if employees can’t go into the office due to weather or can’t work from home due to emergency power outages, they must know beforehand if their time is paid or unpaid for non-exempt workers. If work is unpaid, can employees use PTO or sick days? Can employees make up for their unpaid time at another date? According to FLSA, exempt employees must be paid their salary if they performed any work during the work week, so exempt employees must be paid even if the office closes for a snowstorm.

To stay safe throughout the winter months and keep your business running even during inclement weather have a policy in place. To learn how to create a policy for your business, visit:

DII is your partner when it comes to safety and inclement weather policy creation. Our team of experts can work with you to understand the best plan of action for your workplace and how to keep you and your employees safe this winter. Please contact your DII representative for more information.  #Winter #2023 #SnowSafety #inclementweatherpolicy

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